Upcoming School Events

MME PTA works hard to raise funds and create special events that positively impact all students and bring our school community together!special-events

Save the Date:


MME Variety Show!

Visual and Performing Arts – Thursday May 23rd, 6:30pm

May 23rd, 6:30pm is the MME Visual and Performing Arts Variety show!  Come see art and performances by our fabulous Mustangs. You will be blown away by their talent, enthusiasm and bravery!

It’s a wrap on performing artist auditions, but there is still an opportunity to sign up to submit art for the Variety Show.

Do you like to create art?  Paint, draw, sculpt, upcycle, or otherwise get your creative juices flowing?  Sign up to submit art for the Variety Show!  Art must be submitted no later than May 16th to the MME office.  It should be ready to display, and not need additional framing or mounting.  Please put your name on the back of your artwork. You may only submit ONE artwork.  Artwork should be original (no tracing) and school appropriate.  You must sign up at this link to participate!

Montgomery Day

MME Quad

June 4, 2024, 4-7pm

The MME PTA is pleased to present this fully PTA funded Montgomery Day on Tuesday, June 4th from 4-7 pm. This annual PTA sponsored end of school celebration for our students, staff, and community has traditionally been the most well attended event of the year! Come join us outside on the main quad, with FREE activities including waterslides, games, cotton candy, and glitter tattoos. Don’t forget a swimsuit, towel and sunscreen. Bring your own picnic or purchase food from Zim Cuisine, The Hotdogger, and Kona Ice. Kona Ice will donate a portion of their proceeds to MME!

Also, just a reminder that this is an event for the MME community, which includes students and their families.

This is not a drop-off event, please stay with your children.

Signed PTA permission slips are required in order to attend. Please turn them into the office by Monday, June 3rd.

The permission slip can be found here.

Volunteers are needed (and much appreciated!) during the event to help with monitoring the water slides, games, glitter tattoos, etc. Please sign up here if you can help.

PTA Meeting Date

June 4th, 2024 6:00 pm Main MME Library (Hybrid)

This year’s meeting will be held the 1st Monday of each month .

Join us to learn how the PTA supports your child’s education and to be further involved in the events and programs that enhance the MME community. Thank you for considering attending so we can include your important perspective in PTA decisions. Future meetings will be held the first Monday of each month. Meetings will be held in the main library at the MME campus. For those who cannot attend in person, please join us via Zoom at:

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83901076270?pwd=NG9zS2dTVjA5anZmWXVJd0VhOVFldz09