PTA Info

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Enrich your child’s life by joining the PTA and helping us improve our school and our community!  Being a PTA member keeps you connected to events on campus, gives you a voice in how funds are spent to enhance your child’s education, and create special events & programs that positively impact all students and the school community. Even if you are not able to regularly attend meetings, the money raised by the PTA pays for student enrichment programs, field trips, classroom supplies, computers and many, many other things.

For example, in the 2019-2020 school year, PTA funds & volunteers were responsible for and/or supported the following Programs & Events:

  • Círculo & Reading Rodeo
  • Classroom/Library Books
  • Back-to-School Fiesta
  • Montgomery Day & Talent Show
  • Teacher & Staff Appreciation
  • 6th Grade Outdoor Education
  • Kindergarten Meet & Greet
  • Science Fair
  • Computer Lab
  • Welcome Back Coffee
  •  Shade Structures
  • Holiday Craft Night
  • Classroom Supplies
  • Parent Newsletters
  • Performing Arts
  • Bingo Night
  • Garden
  • Yearbook
  • Mustang Run
  • Teacher Funds
  • Landscaping
  • ¡Intercambio!

… just to name a few.  Put the “Me” in MME-Join the PTAand GET INVOLVED!